Here's a little update on the grounds here at, wait,
what IS the name of this place??
We're thinking "Laurel Hill Farm" but not sure yet.
Anyway, here are a couple recent pictures from the yard. This first picture is looking from near the front door of the house over to the "new" garage. I LOVE this new garden area. It has been fun to try and fill up, though now I have some plants to MOVE.
Seems in my rush to fill things in, I planted several plants too closely together and in entirely the wrong places! For example, the 4 foot tall daisies that were gifted from my neighbor last Christmas, got stuck very near the front as I had dropped them in the ground to keep them protected then planned to move them in the early spring. Funny how that didn't happen. The next picture shows the garden next to the house. See, holes to fill in where plants got moved from. The Foxgloves did great this year, though. See their tall spikes?This next picture is of the field garden. Potatoes, corn and squash out there. Fenced off from the cow of course. Oh. My. Goodness. Are we going to have a ton of potatoes! The corn? Well, we'll see how it does. Big D planted a succession plan of three varieties. Still seems very small for the beginning of August. Though, it IS Washington. We'll have to wait and see if we get anything from it or not.Next is a quick picture of what I brought inside from the garden. Why do daisies have to stink so badly?? They are such a cute flower and I think this arrangement makes the slight "aroma" worthwhile. Just don't get too close!
That's it for today! We are off to swimming lessons - all four kids and myself in the water at the same time. Maybe we'll hit the grocery store on the way home and I can implement the meal plan I made for the week. If not, same old story. Push it all back 'till I can go shopping.
Have a great day! Enjoy the sunshine, Washington!
1 comment:
super cute!
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