So I guess this will remain a little about this and a little about that. Mostly my life as I adjust to it (an ongoing process for all...) and some special highlights during certain seasons of time (like gardening currently.)
The pregnancy is going OK for someone who isn't the best pregnant person on the earth. I am already experiencing symptoms that are very easy to complain about, but I am really trying to refrain since it is still early and I have so long left to complain!!! I am 17 weeks along; on Thursday I will be considered 4 months along.

The next few days and next week are going to be crazy.
Saturday H was invited to a friends swimming party at the local pool. She had a blast and can't wait to have swimming lessons. I think she will love it. She was very brave in the water, wanting to try different things - that is until the water splashed in her face at which time she immediately panicked... but quickly recovered. She will be fine.
Sunday H sang at church with all the kids. They did an awesome version of "Rock of Ages" and then "God Bless the USA". They really belted it out and looked great. They were mostly all wearing red white and blue and had hand motions (sign language type) for the second song. It was a great showing for Memorial Day by the kids.
Today (Monday) we rested and then went to a friends house for our small group's end of season BBQ. That was fun, but the weather was a little cool. It didn't stop us from being outside of course. The kids were very worn out by the end and B fell asleep in the van maybe 2 minutes into the drive home!
Tuesday is B's last full day of 3 year old preschool. H will go to a friends house for the morning because I am taking D for his 15 month doc. appt. where he will receive some more immunizations.
Wednesday at 9:30 is H's 4 year old preschool "graduation". It will last about an hour and they all have little lines to say and will sing some songs.
Thursday at 10:00 is B's preschool end of year "family picnic pot luck and play day" at school. **Mental note - remember to bring something for the pot luck!!
Friday at 12:00 is H's combined 4 year old preschool family picnic and play day" with the three other preschool classes, AM and PM. So there should maybe be 60 little 4 year olds and their families running around that day. Should be interesting!! It is also a $2/person fee for some food, so I wonder what that will be? At least I don't have to remember to bring anything!
Saturday: Wait a minute... ...is there nothing on the calendar???? Could it be??? Yes, it is true, .

I guess I'm not going to know what to do with myself in June with school being out for these kiddos. I am going to have to create some kind of park schedule or something! How am I going to entertain these munchkins? Aaaaah! As the years keep going by and the munchkins keep growing my responsibilities keep changing! How is one to keep up??? I was just getting good at diapering! Now I have to entertain 4 and 5 year olds that have been used to professionals for half the day! Yikes. Maybe I'll hide in the bathroom (more) and just let them figure things out.
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