The website will email you the planed reading each day and there is a link in the email to BibleGateway which will give you the exact verses you are supposed to read that day in the translation you requested. Very cool, especially if you are sittin at your computer a lot during the day.
You can also print out the schedules and read them on your own. This is what I do. I like to see my check marks on the page as I finish each reading. It is more motivating for me that way. I have been feeling convicted lately that I have been making time to read secular books, whether they be fiction or (mostly) non-fiction, but not making time to read the Bible regularly. So I am now committed. I have been working through a New Testament in One Year reading schedule for lets see here... 3 years! I am almost through, so I am finishing that and I have committed to reading through the Old Testament in one year. (Obviously from May to May, not trying to catch back up from January!!) So I am just going down the printout, starting at January, but just making it work so that I am reading the days Monday - Sunday as they should be, not looking at the actual dates. See you need to read more on the weekends to get the whole thing in in one year. So far (hee hee one week!) it is working OK. Pray that I will be able to continue!!

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