On Tuesday David went to the Doc and he is growing right at the same rate he has always. He is 24 lbs 3 oz which puts him at the 45th percentile for weight and is 31" tall at the 50th percentile. (Head size for any that care was 47.1 cm - 50th percentile.) He is working on getting another tooth on the bottom front (so he will have 5) and the Doc said the molars are getting "mushy" which means they will be trying to come through soon also. A little unusual since he hasn't filled in the others yet, but these kids have always had strange order in their teeth popping out. (With Helen still missing one on the front top without a gap for it.) David got three vaccines at the appt. and did very well with that and no afteraffects for him. He will have another "well baby exam" at 18 months. I wonder what city we will be in??
Ben had his last preschool day on Thursday with a fun game day. There were different games set up in four different rooms that all the parents and kids were going back and forth to. Then there was a potluck "lunch" at the end.
I think we actually didn't do anything on Saturday. Just played outside and D did mowing/weedeating, etc. But on Sunday we went to the Family Swim at the local pool for the first time with all three kids. It was fun. All the kids really had a blast. I am signing them up for swim school this Friday. Lord willing we can get the class time I want so I can take David to the "Mommy and Me" type class at the same time. He really enjoyed the kiddie pool after he warmed up to it. It was a really unusual time for us to do anything like that as a family, but it worked out really well. We had an early dinner (yes, even earlier than our normal) at 4:15pm and the swimming at the pool started at 5:30pm. We stayed about an hour and the kids were worn out!!! Thankfully I had brought them some apples for the ride home and they gobbled them up. (Wish I would have brought some for D and I!!)
A busy few days for sure, but fun was had by all.
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