Monday, June 30, 2008

What I learned this weekend:

Don't just taste fresh lemonade with the mixing spoon.

Pour a glass.

Then you will know much better if it is truly that "nice and lemony" flavor you thought it was on the spoon...

...or if it is really that "knock your socks off" sour taste finding this out, of course, after you have already poured 4 peoples cups! Ugh.

Here, would you like some sugar for that?


Apparently to a 3 almost 4 year old boy, 2" wet brown hair clippings on the floor of a salon look alarmingly like eyebrows - to which he had to run and check out H's face to make sure the stylist didn't cut off her eyebrows!! So cute, so concerned for his sister.
Gotta love these kids!

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