Wednesday, December 3, 2008


No time to post, really, just a quick update. We are starting to "taper" Michael's phenobarbital med for his seizures. He hasn't had any for a week and a half (last Thursday AM) since getting on the generic Zantac. Possibly it is a coincidence about the Zantac since he didn't have any seizures the day and a half before actually started it (Friday PM). Maybe he has just grown out of whatever he had, maybe with all the prayers God took it away. Lots of possibilities. All I know is I am again watching him like a hawk while we are taking him off the med... unfortunately makes for a stressed out mama! Will have to do something special with the kids later this week. If it all goes well, Michael will be off the pheno on the 19th of Dec. the day we are scheduled to have his 6 week checkup with the Neuros at Children's.

Oh, and so excited, we are actually going to see the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach this year... after talking about it for more than 10 years now!! We will be heading there the afternoon of the 21st with some church friends. Want to go to? Maybe we'll see you there. :-)

1 comment:

Our growing family said...

thanks for the update! hope you are doing well mama!!!!!!