Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hmmm... what to do?

Well, I have two kiddos outside with Daddy, one napping and one playing very happily by himself. What am I to do with myself? (Oh! Certainly not a chore!)

I do have a fun list:
sewing doll clothes,
reading new book study (Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman- Anne Ortlund),
do some goal planning for this year,
finally make the chore chart for the kids,
check on my roast chicken... oh, I better do that now... hang on.

OK, it looks good. Where was I?

plan the herb garden,

However then there are the other to do items that are on the list:
cleaning (everything),
organizing (everything),
help children learn to read (H is doing very well on her own however...),
plan nap schedule for Mighty,
meal plan for the week,
ready the grocery list,
clip coupons,
etc., etc., on and on...

So, here I sit on the computer waiting for my dough to be done in the bread machine so I can make some dinner rolls (Honey Curry Wheat rolls, should be tasty with our roast chicken!) I hope you have a nice week, I'll get my lists together and let you know some more of the fun stuff. Bye!

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